HBClasses — Documentation on the basic classes

These classes makes up the basic set of class used for communication.

class HBClasses.HBClient(pb.Referenceable)

This identifies the client.


This is called to tell the client that we have changed their queue.

Clients should now call remote_getJobs() to see what has changed.


It is possiable to compare referance objects and get a meaningful result. To using == to work out what jobs have been added or removed is viable.


This is achived by twisted using the .luid attribute.


This is called to get a client to stop working on a job.

Parameters:Job (HBJob) – The job to stop working on.

The server is shutting down. All clients should stop work and exit.

class HBClasses.HBServer(pb.Root)

This is the root server object. This gets sent by twisted when a client connects.


This is called by a client to signify that they are ready to except jobs.

Returns:A job queue
Return type:HBQueue

This is called by the client to tell the server that it is no longer capable of completing the passed HBQueue

Parameters:Queue (HBQueue) – The Queue that can’t be completed
class HBClasses.HBQueue(pb.Referenceable)

This holds a load of HBJob‘s and is passed to the clients so they know what to do.


This gets a list of assined HBJobs from the server. The HBJob in index 0 should be executed first.

Returns:List of HBJob‘s.
Return type:list
class HBClasses.HBJob(pb.Referenceable)

This tells the client to do a specific task. These should have some sort of hierarchy to allow jobs to happen simultaneously. e.g. download one raw file while transcoding another.


Instructs the server to make the files nessary for the job avilable in an FTP location.

The location returned will be a folder location, all files contained within are nessary for the job.

Read Sending files for more info.

Returns:A URL to the FTP location of the format ftp://server:port/location
Return type:string

Instructs the server to open up an FTP location to return the file to.

Read Sending files for more info.

Returns:A URL to the FTP location of the format ftp://server:port/location
Return type:string

Gets the list of arguments that need to be passed to handbrake. The list just needs to be prepended with a process name after which it can be pass stright to reactor.spawnProcess() as the arg keyword argument.

Returns:reactor.spawnProcess() arg list
Return type:list

This method sets the state of the job. The stage is an interger number between 1 and 5 which have the following meaning:

Number Short Description Long Description
1 Queued Nothing has happened to it, this is a jobs initial state
2 Transfering to client The jobs files are currently being transfered to a client
3 Transcoding The job is currenlty being transcoded and is in progress
4 Transfering to server The jobs files are being transfered back after transcoding
5 Complete The job is complete. All resulting files are back at the server
Parameters:Stage (int) – The current stage of the job

This sets the percentage complete of the jobs current stage.

Parameters:Percentage (int) – Percent complete (0 - 100)

Set the time till completion of the current stage.

Parameters:Time (int) – Time till completion in seconds.

Set the speed of the current stage. The unit of speed changes depending on the stage.

Stage Unit
2 and 4 MB/s
Parameters:Speed (int) – Speed of current stage

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